Elevate Your Living Space: 5 Luxurious Design Elements for a High-End Interior Makeover


Elevate Your Living Space: 5 Luxurious Design Elements for a High-End Interior Makeover

If your home is in need of an upgrade or you’re tired of the same trends, it may be time to consider changing up your style. Homes are a place of comfort, but they should also feel like a sanctuary where you can unwind and not feel guilty about treating yourself. What better way to do this than by incorporating luxury design elements into your space?

High-end interior design isn’t just reserved for certain homes. With a few simple tricks, you can transform your space into a lavish oasis where you wake up feeling like royalty every day. At Bardi Designs, we specialize in using luxurious designs to create high-end living spaces that balance comfort and elegance.

Explore these five luxurious design elements to elevate your living space into the opulent home of your dreams.

Use Opulent Materials

Opulent materials, like quartzite or brass, can infuse your space with a sleek, sophisticated look without overcomplicating it. For example, using quartzite for kitchen countertops or shower walls brightens the space as a whole, making it feel larger and more inviting. We used these techniques during our Linenhall renovation. Use brass for smaller details, such as sink faucets and cabinet handles, to add a hint of glam that immediately elevates the space. 

Select Rich Color Palettes

Vibrant, rich color palettes with tones, such as emerald green, navy blue, and royal purple, can add depth and drama to a room, creating a sense of grandeur that brings your space to life. The trick with rich tones is to use them as accent colors, so the space doesn’t feel too overwhelming. For example, we used dark green accents throughout Wynneford, adding a pop of color that aligns with the design’s earthy tones to create a natural, cohesive look.

Integrate Custom Light Fixtures

Customized features add an upscale vibe to any room because of their artistic touch. We used custom black and gold light fixtures in our renovation of Northridge Crossings, adding color and texture without drowning out the room’s other unique features. Integrating custom light fixtures is a subtle way of luxuriating your space without cluttering it.

Incorporate Statement Artwork

Statement artwork adds personality and character, enhancing colors and textures throughout the room for a bold, eye-catching design. Incorporating unique details into your design is an easy way to achieve the high-end living effect. At Stonemoor, we hung wall art in every room, showcasing the homeowner’s personal style while filling up expansive wall space to create balance in the home’s design.

Utilize Plush Textures

There are several ways to incorporate plush textures into your space, whether it’s in the furniture, throw pillows, or area rugs. Velvet is a staple of luxury design, adding opulence and warmth to achieve high-end living without sacrificing coziness. When redesigning Westbury, we used velvet poufs and a thick, plush carpet to texturize the living room, making it the most luxurious and comfiest room in the house.

Ready To Bring Your Space To Life? We’re Here To Help.

At Bardi Designs, we pride ourselves on turn-key interior design services. We specialize in Interior Design, renovation, new construction, and adult community living. Whether you’re an architect, builder, or homeowner – we’d love to support you in your Interior Design journey. We look forward to speaking with you soon!


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